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Monday 25 February 2019

CQI 9 - CQI 11 - CQI 12 - CQI 15 - CQI 17 - CQI 23 - CQI 27 -  SPECIAL PROCESS - BUNDLE PACK

CQI 9 - CQI 11 - CQI 12 - CQI 15 - CQI 17 - CQI 23 - CQI 27 - SPECIAL PROCESS - BUNDLE PACK

The goal of the AIAG Special Process Initiative is the reduction of campaigns, spills, recalls and warranty claims related to components from “Special Processes.” The Special Process Initiative is comprised of individual work groups that develop assessments based on best practices and designed to provide a means of continual improvement,  emphasizing defect prevention and reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain.

The benefits of using system assessments for your special processes include:

Assesses an organizations ability to meet customer requirements
Align expectations between suppliers and customers
Reduces waste, variation, and defects
Increase customer satisfaction

Heat Treat System Assessment
Special Process (CQI-9)

Reduce campaigns, spills, recalls and warranty claims related to heat treated components
The first edition of CQI-9 was released in March 2006 and quickly became the global standard for assessing an organizations heat treat processes. Now in its 3rd edition, the Heat Treat Special Process Assessment continues to be the industry benchmark for assuring continual improvement, defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain.

Completing a heat treat system assessment allows heat treat suppliers to identify areas within their heat treat processes that need improvement based on industry best practices.

Benefits of aligning your processes to the CQI-9 Heat Treat Special Process Assessment include:

Assesses an organizations ability to meet customer requirements
Align expectations between suppliers and customers
Reduces waste, variation, and defects
Increase customer satisfaction

Plating System Assessment
Special Process (CQI-11)

Meet regulatory requirements and identify areas of improvement while enhancing customer satisfaction
The first edition of the Plating System Assessment was released in August 2007 and like CQI-9 Heat Treat, quickly became the global standard for assessing an organization’s plating processes.

Learn the process requirements your organization needs to follow to develop a plating management system that provides for continual improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. This manual includes a downloadable assessment with forms to complete the assessment.

Benefits of aligning your processes to the CQI-11 Plating Special Process Assessment include:
Assesses an organizations ability to meet customer requirements
Align expectations between suppliers and customers
Reduces waste, variation, and defects
Increase customer satisfaction

Coating System Assessment
Special Process (CQI-12)

The Coating System Assessment (CSA) was created with the goal of developing of a coating management system that provides for continual improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. 

The CSA, coupled with an internationally recognized quality management system and applicable customer-specific requirements, defines the fundamental requirements for coating management systems.  It also provides a common approach to a coating management system for automotive production and service part organizations.

Benefits of aligning your processes to the CQI-12 Coating System Assessment include:

Assesses an organizations ability to meet customer requirements
Align expectations between suppliers and customers
Reduces waste, variation, and defects
Increase customer satisfaction

Welding Process Assessment
System Special (CQI-15)

The Welding System Assessment (WSA) was created with the goal of developing of a coating management system that provides for continual improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. 

The WSA, coupled with an internationally recognized quality management system and applicable customer-specific requirements, defines the fundamental requirements for welding management systems.  It also provides a common approach to a welding management system for automotive production and service part organizations.

Benefits of aligning your processes to the CQI-15 Welding System Assessment include:

Assesses an organizations ability to meet customer requirements
Align expectations between suppliers and customers
Reduces waste, variation, and defects
Increase customer satisfaction

Soldering System Assessment Special Process (CQI-17)

The Soldering System Assessment (SSA) was created with the goal of developing of a coating management system that provides for continual improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. 

The SSA, coupled with an internationally recognized quality management system and applicable customer-specific requirements, defines the fundamental requirements for soldering management systems.  It also provides a common approach to a soldering management system for automotive production and service part organizations.

Benefits of aligning your processes to the CQI-17 Soldering System Assessment include:

Assesses an organizations ability to meet customer requirements
Align expectations between suppliers and customers
Reduces waste, variation, and defects
Increase customer satisfaction

Molding System Assessment Special Process (CQI-23)
The Molding System Assessment (MSA) was created with the goal of developing of a coating management system that provides for continual improvement, emphasizing defect prevention and the reduction of variation and waste in the supply chain. 

The MSA, coupled with an internationally recognized quality management system and applicable customer-specific requirements, defines the fundamental requirements for molding management systems.  It also provides a common approach to a molding management system for automotive production and service part organizations.

Benefits of aligning your processes to the CQI-23 Molding System Assessment include:

Assesses an organizations ability to meet customer requirements
Align expectations between suppliers and customers
Reduces waste, variation, and defects
Increase customer satisfaction

Casting System Assessment
Special Process(CQI-27)

The Casting System Assessment (CSA) provides requirements for foundry suppliers of OEM automotive castings. While not a detailed description of the entire foundry process, its focus is on common failure modes that cause OEM customers to receive non-conforming castings from foundries.

The CSA, coupled with an internationally recognized quality management system and applicable customer-specific requirements, defines the fundamental requirements for casting management systems.  It also provides a common approach to a casting management system for automotive production and service part organizations.

Benefits of aligning your processes to the CQI-27 Casting System Assessment include:

Assesses an organizations ability to meet customer requirements
Align expectations between suppliers and customers
Reduces waste, variation, and defects
Increase customer satisfaction

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